Friday, 4 November 2011

Preliminary Task: Front Cover & Contents Page Mock Ups

These are my drafts for the front cover and contents page of my work. In order for me to create these, I split an a4 piece of paper into quarters. After this I planned and drew what types of things I should use as a main image for my front cover. When this was done, I moved onto creating a different type of title for each design. the Final thing that I did for my front cover drafts was draw shapes onto my design and label them with abbrievitions to explain what they are; for example, MCL means Main Cover Line.

Now that my front cover designs were finished I then began to do contents page designs. In these designs I decided not to create main image designs because it would take time and also main images on contents pages tend to have a smaller size. I had also split another a4 page in order to create this. The first thing I did in order to create my designs was look at different types at contents pages in order give me ideas on how to design my own. The next thing which I had done was create different shapes in order to create a contents page design. Final thing which I had done was show what each shape represents, but this time I didn't use abbreviations because I had more space in my contents page design.

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